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ASI welcomes Magna PT B.V. & Co. KG as new Industrial User member

ASI is pleased to announce that Magna PT B.V. & Co. KG has joined as an Industrial User member, bringing the total number of ASI Members to 168.

About Magna PT B.V. & Co. KG

Transmission Systems (formerly Getrag) joined the Magna Powertrain family in 2016. With more than 80 years of experience and product development for manual, dual-clutch and hybrid transmissions, Transmission Systems completes Magna Powertrain’s product portfolio. Based on layshaft technology, our products offer a variable combination of efficiency, driving comfort and performance.

Magna is actively committed to sustainability. With innovative products and energy-conscious manufacturing, we are fighting climate change and reducing our global carbon footprint. With teamwork and perseverance, we are effecting positive change in our company, our communities and on our planet.

Our approach to sustainable value includes:

  • Designing, engineering, manufacturing and delivering innovative product solutions for our customers to achieve our shared objectives
  • Reduced weight, fuel consumption and CO2 emissions
  • Optimizing and innovating our manufacturing processes for resource and input efficiency and product quality

“We are convinced that sustainability, in all its facets, can only be driven forward by a common understanding and unified effort. We are proud that this is confirmed by our employees, customers and partners”.

– Peter P. Tillmann, Director QEHS

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