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INNOVATION New Material Technology Co., Ltd.



Performance Standard V3 (2022) Certification scope:
  • The manufacture of un-forged Aluminium alloy billets and Aluminium alloy profiles including the melting, casting, cutting, homogenising, profile extruding, and computer numerical control machining at Suzhou Chuangtai Alloy Material Co., Ltd. , China.
Audit scope supply chain activities:
  • Casthouses
  • Semi-fabrication
  • Aluminium Re-melting/Refining

Chain of Custody Standard V2 (2022) Certification Scope:
  • Melting, casting, cutting, homogenising, profile extruding and machining for the manufacture of un-forged Aluminium alloy billets and Aluminium alloy profile at Suzhou Chuangtai Alloy Material Co., Ltd., Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province, China.
Audit scope supply chain activities:
  • Aluminium Re-melting/Refining
  • Casthouses
  • Post-Casthouse

iseal code compliant