Getting Certified

Auditors and Specialists

Conformity Assessment Bodies (CABs) are Critical to maintaining credibility of ASI Standards. Registered Specialists are essential for filling expertise gaps.

ASI Accredited Auditing Firms

CABs are critical to maintaining credibility of ASI Standards

The credibility of ASI’s Certification program hinges on the quality and independence of the third-party Conformity Assessment Bodies (CABs) and Auditors.

The roles and responsibilities of ASI Accredited Auditors in the Certification process include to:

  • Conduct independent Audits against the relevant ASI Standard/s
  • Verify information included in the Self Assessment including the Certification Scope and determine the Overall Risk Maturity assessment
  • Identify any Non-Conformances which require corrective action by the Member
  • Recognise when audit objectives are unattainable and report the reasons to the Member and the ASI Secretariat
  • Prepare Audit Reports for the ASI Secretariat and the Member
  • Carry out follow-up reviews of progress against milestones, if required.

CAB accreditation requirements are based on recognised certification standards:

  • ISO/IEC 17021 accreditation for management system certification schemes or an equivalent technical certification standard for management systems. ¹
  • ISO/IEC 17065 accreditation for product certification schemes (which includes processes and services) or an equivalent technical certification standard for product certification management systems.

ASI Accredited Auditing Firms and their ASI Accredited Auditors must have appropriate experience and expertise and ensure that there is no conflict of interest when undertaking audits for Members.

[1] The CAB’s Accreditation must be demonstrated through independent assessment by an organisation registered with European Co-operative for Accreditation (EA) or the International Accreditation forum (IAF) or some other equivalent independent review.  It cannot be demonstrated though a self-assessment or first-party audit.

Procedure and relevant documentation

ASI welcomes applications from CABs to become accredited under the ASI Standards system. The documents to the accreditation procedure are found below.

  1. ASI Auditor Accreditation Procedure (Version 4, December 2022)
  2. ASI Accredited Audit Firm / Individual Auditor Application Form (Version 3, July 2021)
  3. Fulfilling ASI’s requirements to become an ASI Accredited Auditor (Version 1.8 – June 2023)
  4. ASI Auditor Competence and Assessment Procedure (Version 2 – April 2020)
  5. educationAl: ASI online learning portal for auditors


Additional documentation

Registered Specialists

Technical Experts may wish to be formally registered as ASI Registered Specialists for their specific knowledge or expertise that can support implementation and/or assessment of ASI Standards.

Registered Specialists may be commissioned by a:

  • Member (or an Entity) to support the development and/or implementation of the Entity’s systems and processes required by the ASI Standards; or
  • An Audit Team to advise the Lead Auditor and Individual Auditors regarding the planning, execution and/or follow-up activities for an ASI Certification Audit.

Procedure and relevant documentation

ASI welcomes applications from Technical Experts that wish to be formally registered as ASI Registered Specialists for their specific knowledge or expertise that can support implementation and/or assessment of ASI Standards. Registered Specialists are required to complete the online training to ensure they have appropriate knowledge of the ASI Standards.

  1. ASI Registered Specialist Approval Procedure (Version 3, April 2020)
  2. ASI Registered Specialist Application Form (Version 4, March 2023) FRNL
  3. Fulfilling the requirements to become an ASI Registered Specialist (Version 1.7, January 2025) FRNL
  4. ASI Registered Specialists Competence and Assessment Procedure (Version 2, April 2020)
  5. educationAl: ASI online learning portal for Registered Specialists


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