ASI Standards Overview
The ASI Performance and Chain of Custody Standards set requirements for the responsible production, sourcing and stewardship of aluminium, are globally applicable and encompass all stages of the aluminium value chain.
Standards for the aluminium value chain
The ASI Performance and Chain of Custody Standards set requirements for the responsible production, sourcing and stewardship of aluminium. These two standards form the basis of the ASI Certification program.
ASI’s robust standards are the result of multi-stakeholder consensus-building within the ASI Standards Committee and input from technical Working Groups and open public consultation processes.
ASI’s standards are globally applicable and encompass all stages of the aluminium value chain: primary aluminium production (including bauxite mining, alumina refining and aluminium smelting), semi-fabrication and material conversion processes, recycling, and use in final products.
2022 Standards summary
- ASI Performance Standard V3.1:
- Environmental, social and governance requirements, addressing key sustainability issues.
- A Guidance document supports implementation and interpretation.
- More about the ASI Performance Standard.
- ASI Chain of Custody Standard V2.1:
- Requirements for the flow of Chain of Custody (CoC) Material, including ASI Aluminium through the value chain, with assurance of sustainable production at each link in the chain.
- A Guidance document supports implementation and interpretation.
- More about the ASI Chain of Custody Standard.
- ASI’s Assurance Manual V2.1:
- The principles and procedures for the independent-third party assurance that underpins ASI Certification.
- More about the ASI Assurance Manual.
- ASI’s Claims Guide V3:
- The rules and supporting guidance for claims made regarding ASI Membership and Certification.
- More about the ASI Claims Guide.
- ASI Glossary V1.1
- Complete list of defined terms for all ASI Standards and supporting documents.
2022 Standards
ASI’s Standards and supporting documents were updated in 2022 after a major revision process. Find out more about each below.
Please note: In April 2023 and July 2024, ASI published minor versioning updates (i.e., X.1) to several of the Standards and supporting documents. Translations of these documents will be published as they become available. Translations of earlier versions are available in the Document Centre.

2017 Standards Archive
The first versions of ASI’s Standards and supporting documents were launched in 2017, but have been superseded by the 2022 Standards.
As of 1 June 2023, only the 2022 Standards are eligible to use for new and re-certifying ASI Certifications.
ASI Limitation of Liability Disclaimer
Organisations that make ASI-related claims are each responsible for their own compliance with Applicable Law, including laws and regulations related to labelling, advertisement, and consumer protection, and competition or antitrust laws, at all times. ASI does not accept liability for any violations of Applicable Law or any infringement of third-party rights (each a Breach) by other organisations, even where such Breach arises in relation to, or in reliance upon, any ASI Standard, document or other material, recommendation or directive issued by or on behalf of ASI. ASI gives no undertaking, representation or warranty that compliance with an ASI Standard, document or other material, recommendation or directive issued by or on behalf of ASI will result in compliance with any Applicable law, or will avoid any Breach from occurring.
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