Registered Specialists
Explore ASI’s roster of registered specialists.
Registered Specialists may be commissioned by a:
- Member (or an Entity) to support the development and/or implementation of the Entity’s systems and processes required by the ASI Standards; or
- An Audit Team to advise the Lead Auditor and Individual Auditors regarding the planning, execution and/or follow-up activities for an ASI Certification Audit.
Mr. Abdoul Diakhaby

Alexandru Balteanu
Alkaly Yamoussa Bangoura
Mr. Anders Blom

Anna Sofia Pisani

Artem Skripnikov

Dr. Ashok Nandi

Mr. Christian Weinmeister
Corina Lapadus

Fatma Maatar
Felix Enrico Matthies
Dr. Fernanda Tonizza Moraes

Gangaa C Sharma
Kevin O'Grady

Mr. Lamine Sidibe

Melanie Williams
Ms. Melissa Whellams

Dr. Pamela Ravasio

Patrick Wortner

Mr. Philipp Müller

Mr. Philippe Decq

Dr. Subodh Das
Mr. Tahirou Diallo
Dr. Telly Diallo
Mr. Thor Tomasson

Yi Wang
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Disclaimer: Though applications for registered specialists have been received and vetted, these are provided as information. ASI disclaims any and all liability, including any express or implied warranties, whether oral or written, for such third-party services. By using the services of the named registered specialists above, users acknowledge that no representation has been made by ASI as to the fitness of the third-party services for the user’s intended purpose.