Dr. Ashok Nandi
Consultant Bauxite-Alumina
President, International Bauxite, Alumina and Aluminium Society (IBAAS)
Presently working as an independent consultant for several multinational companies including Rio Tinto, Axis Mineral, AGB2A in Guinea, Vimetco/Sierra Minerals Holding Ltd. in Sierra Leone for evaluation of their bauxite deposits and mines. Also associated in setting up a small alumina hydrate plant in Sierra Leone as owner’s team of SMHL/VIMETCO. Intensively working on Bauxite-Alumina supply chain activities. In the past worked for BHP-Billiton in Australia, VEDANTA Aluminium in India, EGA-GAC, Ma’aden, Saudi Arabia and other bauxite exploration-mining companies in world- wide projects. Providing exploration, geological, mineralogical, metallurgical and resource estimation consultancy to these companies in developing bauxite mines for alumina refinery and export. Mainly working to guide and provide JORC compliance of exploration and resource estimation of bauxite deposits. Presently nominated as President of International, Bauxite, Alumina and Aluminium Society (IBAAS) and also Director of Mineral Information & Development Centre. Completed 2 assignments of International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) / IGF-OECD in Jamaica (2019) and Guinea (2020) on valuation and taxation aspects of their bauxite mining industry.
Email: Ashok.nandi@ibaas.info
Tel: +919823015772
Skype: Ashok.nandi
English Competence
Intermediate (technical, written and spoken)
Other Languages
- Hindi
- Russian
- Governance and anti-corruption
- Risk assessment
- Management systems
- Sustainability reporting
- Life cycle assessment
- Material stewardship and recycling
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions
- Air emissions
- Rehabilitation and mining practices
- Biodiversity
- Chain of Custody
- India
- Russia
- Australia
Sub-Saharan Africa
- Ghana
- Guinea
- Sierra Leone