ASI welcomes Indian Social Institute as new Civil Society member
ASI is pleased to announce that Indian Social Institute has joined as a new Civil Society member.
2 April 2024
About Indian Social Institute
The Indian Social Institute was founded, more than a center of research, as an ideology to contribute to the task of social transformation. At the time of founding of the institute, the then General of the Society of Jesus stated “the institute should be founded for the serious study of the Indian social situation in all its aspects”. Adhering to this mandate the institute has been ever in search of new ways of engaging in social transformation according to the signs of the times. The institute began its journey as “Indian Institute of Social Order‟ in January 1951 in Pune in response to the challenges of nation-building and emerging new social order in the post-independent era. In 1958, the institute was registered in Pune as Indian Social Institute. Realizing the importance of being present in the national political capital, in 1961 the institute was shifted to New Delhi and a new entity was registered under Xavier Institute of Social Order. However, later in 1969 the institute was registered as “Indian Social Institute‟. In the first decade, till 1960s, the focus was on spreading the social doctrine of the Church; in the following decade the institute expanded its scope to accompany NGOs and focused on training, thus giving birth to Indian Social Institute, Bangalore. The third decade was marked with sensitivity to women issues and establishment of Mobile Orientation Team (MOT). In the 80s, the fourth decade, it made a definitive choice to align with people’s movements and accompany them.
The role of Indigenous Peoples are very crucial and important in the integral development of a nation like India. More than 8% of the national population is constituted of the tribals/indigenous peoples of the land. Therefore, it becomes necessary to handhold the indigenous communities and also take them along as stakeholders and partners in the development processes. The IPAF India can play co-creator’s role with ASI in translating the mandates and standards of ASI at the grassroots level in India.
– Vincent Ekka, Assistant Professor
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