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Bauxite Exploration and Mining Workshops – Australia

Latest info: 2024 // Project active since: 2022 

  • Lead by ASI and Indigenous Peoples Advisory Forum (IPAF). 
  • Series of capacity-building workshops on mining and Free, Prior, and Informed Consent (FPIC) process throughout bauxite exploration and mining regions, followed by field work research in Australia.  
  • Contributes to ASI’s long-term goal on social value and thriving and resilient communities through driving local action and capacity building to respect human rights.  

Additional field work in the remote northern bauxite regions of Australia have included a series of workshops to increase awareness, build capacity and provide information on the aluminium supply chain and in particular upstream operations.  These have taken place in Queensland, Northern Territory and Western Australia. 

Learnings & recommendations

Building the capacity of communities and relevant stakeholders, will provide the foundations for more effective FPIC processes, enabling Indigenous peoples/local communities to participate in decision-making about mining projects on their land. The meaningful participation of communities in FPIC processes has the potential to mitigate conflict and the potential impacts and risks of mining activities on the environment and the local communities.

ASI reflections

The intention of this work is not to support mining proponents, but to empower Indigenous communities to make their own determinations for land use and development as part of due processes.  Additional projects and follow ups are in development stemming from local interactions and articulated needs.



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