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Chain of Custody (CoC) Material Flows

Latest info: 2023 // Project active since: 2018 

  • Draws on global Material Flow Model from International Aluminium Institute (IAI), with whom we have a long-standing and valuable collaboration. 
  • Analysis and visualisation of ASI Chain of Custody Material Flows in the context of global aluminium sector supply and demand is updated annually with material accounting data reported by ASI CoC Certified Entities.  
  • Reported volumes of CoC Material (and Eligible Scrap) purchased and sold by CoC Certified Entities allow ASI to monitor trends in CoC Material Flows over time along the aluminium value chain.   
  • Year-on-year increase of the CoC Material flow into successive supply chain stages, demonstrates that downstream sourcing and procurement strategies continue to mature.  

Learnings & recommendations

ASI strives to publish data from the previous year by mid-year.  However, with a growing number of CoC Certified Entities, a challenge arises where companies fail to submit reports on time.  

Each year a number of improvements around ASI’s data collection and analysis processes are identified and implemented for the next reporting period. Examples of improvements in 2022 include:  


  • development of a new reporting form on the assurance platform elementAL, allowing ASI Secretariat to review, provide feedback to reporters, and analyse submitted data more quickly and accurately; 
  • introduction of new terminology, under the ASI CoC Standard V2, referring to all types of material entering, passing through, and leaving the boundaries of CoC Certified Entity allowing to review and detect inconsistencies in CoC Outputs more carefully; 
  • updates to the reporting criteria as set out in the ASI CoC Standard V2; 
  • updates to the data visualisation method. 

ASI reflections

The 2027 Standards revision process will include review of the ASI Chain of Custody Standard.  Issues identified during the annual data collection and analysis that can inform the revision include: 

  • Entities that do not report data 
  • Frequency of Auditor review of material accounting data and reporting status 
  • Potential ability of ASI to access CoC data to verify not only overall mass balance volumes, but also linkages of material flow between Entities, product-related claims and potential causes for any inconsistencies. 



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