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Emirates Global Aluminium PJSC

Production and Transformation

February 2017

United Arab Emirates



ASI Performance Standard Certified
ASI Chain of Custody Certified

About Emirates Global Aluminium PJSC

Emirates Global Aluminium (“EGA”) is a jointly-held, equal-ownership company formed by Mubadala Development Company of Abu Dhabi and the Investment Corporation of Dubai by combining their respective aluminium industry interests.

EGA’s heritage stretches back to the 1970s and it is the largest industrial company in the UAE outside oil and gas.

EGA’s core operating assets are two smelting operations located in Dubai and Abu Dhabi whose combined production capacity of 2.4 million tonnes per annum.

EGA also owns Guinea Alumina Corporation (“GAC”), a strategic bauxite mine and alumina refinery development project in West Africa; and is currently developing an alumina refinery in the UAE.

EGA makes high quality primary aluminium products in three main categories: high purity and foundry re-melt products (for electronics,aerospace and automotive applications respectively); rolled products (for packaging, lithographic sheets and the automotive industry); and billets for extrusion and forging (for construction, industrial, transportation and automotive purposes). EGA has over 300 customers in over 60 countries.

EGA has focused on innovation for decades, to continually improve the performance and sustainability of its aluminium smelting process. Last year EGA became the first UAE industrial company to licence its core industrial technology internationally, in an agreement with Alba of Bahrain.

We have spent decades at EGA continuously improving to build a business that is financially, environmentally and socially sustainable. Joining ASI will help us on the next stage of this journey, and we hope to share some of what we have learned along the way with our industry.

- Abdulla Kalban, Manager Director and CEO


Performance Standard V2 (2017)
  • Certificate Number: 27 Rev. 4
  • Certification Period: 09.05.2022 - 08.05.2025
  • Audit Report
Certification scope:
  • All Emirates Global Aluminium PJSC operational sites in the UAE including smelting and casting of aluminium, carbon plants, power generation and associated facilities at Jebel Ali (UAE) and Al Taweelah (UAE) as well as an alumina refinery and EGA headquarters in Al Taweelah (UAE).
Audit scope supply chain activities:
  • Alumina Refining
  • Aluminium smelting
  • Casthouses
Performance Standard V2 (2017)
  • Certificate Number: 262
  • Certification Period: 28.02.23 - 27.02.26
  • Audit Report
Certification scope:
  • The operations of the Guinea Alumina Corporation SA (GAC), located in Boké Prefecture, Guinea, including bauxite mining operations (including camps and facilities) near Sangarédi, port operations for bauxite export at Kamsar, rail operations between GAC’s facilities and the main rail line and port, and a biodiversity offset site (part of Moyen Bafing National Park).
Audit scope supply chain activities:
  • Bauxite Mining
Chain of Custody V2 (2022)
  • Certificate Number: 428 Rev. 1
  • Certification Period: 09.01.25 - 08.01.28
  • Audit Report
Certification scope:
  • All Emirates Global Aluminium PJSC operational sites in the UAE including smelting and casting of aluminium, carbon plants, power generation and associated facilities at Jebel Ali (UAE) and Al Taweelah (UAE) as well as an alumina refinery and EGA headquarters in Al Taweelah (UAE).
Audit scope supply chain activities:
  • Alumina Refining
  • Aluminium Smelting
  • Aluminium Re-melting/Refining
  • Casthouses

Additional Information

Activities in the aluminium value chain*

  • Bauxite mining
  • Alumina refining
  • Aluminium smelting

* may contain both ASI-certified and non ASI-certified


Countries of operation

Middle East and North Africa

  • United Arab Emirates

Sub-Saharan Africa

  • Guinea


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