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Alumina Limited joins ASI as new General Supporter member

ASI is pleased to announce that Alumina Limited has joined ASI as a new General Supporter member, bringing the total number of ASI Members to 165.

About Alumina Limited

Alumina Limited invests in bauxite mining, alumina refining and aluminium smelting through its ownership of a 40% interest in the AWAC (Alcoa World Alumina & Chemicals) joint venture. AWAC is managed and owned 60% by Alcoa Corp. AWAC has operations or joint venture interests in Australia, Brazil, Spain, Guinea and Saudi Arabia.

“Alumina Limited seeks to support Alcoa’s role in managing AWAC to achieve best practice in environment, safety, community, social, ethical and financial performance through strong, collaborative and informed governance. The Aluminium Stewardship Initiative is the globally pre-eminent multi-stakeholder standards setting and certification organisation for the aluminium value chain. The ASI seeks to maximise the contribution of aluminium to a sustainable society and collaboratively foster responsible production, sourcing and stewardship of aluminium.

Alumina Limited is proud to join the Aluminium Stewardship Initiative as a member. The ASI is the global pre-eminent standards setting and certification organisation for the aluminium value chain. The AWAC joint venture, in which Alumina holds a 40% interest, already has operations which have been certified by the ASI. Alumina looks forward to supporting best practice environmental, safety, community, social and ethical performance and governance. A sustainable and responsible aluminium value chain will become even more important, as aluminium contributes to a further developed and decarbonised world”.

– Mike Ferraro, CEO, Alumina Limited

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