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13 September 2023

Befesa Aluminio has achieved ASI Performance Standard V3 (2022) Certification for its aluminium recycling facility in Erandio, Vizcaya, Spain. The company recycles, recovers, and values all types of scrap and waste from the aluminium industry.

Aluminium Stewardship Initiative (ASI) today announced that Befesa Aluminio has been certified against the ASI Performance Standard V3 (2022) for aluminium waste treatments and the production of solid and liquid aluminium alloys from recycled aluminium at its Erandio Plant, Spain. The plant produces final products in three forms: aluminium ingots and their alloys for moulding, 1,000 kg ingots for remelting, and liquid aluminium. The company produces approximately 75,000 tonnes of aluminium alloys annually.

The ASI Certification program was developed through an extensive multi-stakeholder consultation process and is the only comprehensive voluntary sustainability standard initiative for the aluminium value chain. The ASI Performance Standard V3 (2022) was launched in May 2022 following a multi-year revision process. It defines 11 principles and 62 criteria under three sustainability pillars – Environment, Social, and Governance – with the aim to address pressing sustainability issues in the aluminium value chain, such as biodiversity, Indigenous Peoples’ rights, circularity, and greenhouse gas emissions.

The independent, third-party audit of the Befesa Aluminio facility was carried out by DNV Business Assurance Services UK Ltd.

“We warmly congratulate Befesa Aluminio for achieving Performance Standard Certification V3 (2022) at its Erandio recycling facility. Befesa’s focus on providing sustainable solutions to the aluminium industry through the recycling of aluminium scraps, drosses and other aluminium residues makes it a critical player in the circular economy. The company’s certification to the Performance Standard V3 demonstrates that its policies and practices meet industry-leading ESG criteria.”

– Fiona Solomon, Chief Executive Officer at ASI

We are very pleased that ASI has granted us the certification for our Erandio plant, recognizing the ESG commitment in our daily operations. Environmental, social, and governance standards are considered in all business decisions, and our ESG strategy is fully aligned with our business strategy. Sustainability is part of our DNA, and as a vital part of the circular economy, Befesa Aluminio is very committed to making a strong contribution towards creating a more sustainable world

– Asier Zarraonandia, Chief Executive Officer of Befesa

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