ASI certifies Maxop Engineering Co. Pvt. Ltd. against Performance Standard V3 (Transitional – Principles 1-4)
The facility manufactures and exports approximately 950 tonnes of aluminium die-cast automotive components annually
19 March 2025
Aluminium Stewardship Initiative (ASI) today announced that Maxop Engineering Co. Pvt. Ltd. has been certified against Principles 1-4 of the ASI Performance Standard V3 (2022), which represent the applicable criteria for the transition phase of the Material Stewardship Certification (more details below). The facility manufactures and exports approximately 950 tonnes of aluminium die-cast automotive components annually.
The ASI Certification program was developed through an extensive multi-stakeholder consultation process and is the only comprehensive voluntary sustainability standard initiative for the aluminium value chain. The ASI Performance Standard V3 (2022) was launched in May 2022 following a multi-year revision process. It defines 11 principles and 62 criteria under three sustainability pillars – Environment, Social, and Governance – with the aim to address pressing sustainability issues in the aluminium value chain, such as biodiversity, Indigenous Peoples’ rights, circularity, and greenhouse gas emissions. The Material Stewardship Certification is in a transition phase from the PS V2 (2017) to the PS V3 (2022) Standard, such that the first Certification cycle under the 2022 Standard will be against applicable criteria of at least Principles 1-4. These same Facilities will be required to demonstrate Conformance to all 11 Principles within 5 years after the launch of the V3 (2022) Standard.
The independent, third-party audit of Maxop Engineering Co. Pvt. Ltd. was carried out by Cetizion Verifica. A full listing of audit findings outlining evidence of conformances and minor non-conformances is available from page 5 of the summary audit report, linked below. Seven minor non-conformances are noted under Criteria 1.1 Legal Compliance, 2.4a-e Responsible Sourcing, 2.7a-f Emergency Response Plan, 3.1a-b Sustainability Reporting, 4.1a Environmental Life Cycle Assessment, 4.1b-c Environmental Life Cycle Assessment – Disclosure and 4.4a-c Collection and Recycling of Products at End of Life – Material Conversion and other Manufacturing. During the Certification Period, Maxop Engineering Co. Pvt. Ltd. will be implementing a corrective action plan, which will be verified in follow-up audits.
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