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ASI Governance Survey

Latest info: 2024 // Project active since: 2021

  • Conducted annually by ASI Secretariat. 
  • Sent to ASI Directors, Standards Committee members, ASI Members and the ASI Secretariat. 
  • Provides an opportunity to assess the effectiveness of governance structures and processes within ASI.  

In 2022 and 2023, ASI sent out the 7th and 8th Annual Governance surveys. The findings are shared in a report and disseminated to ASI Members as part of the package for the ASI Annual General Meeting. 

Learnings & recommendations

Response rates in 2023 ranged from 14% to 38%, compared to 33 to 39% in 2022. While higher response rates are desirable, we must recognise that there are time constraints faced by participants, who may already provide feedback in various meetings and channels. Overall, the feedback was positive or constructive. Some practical suggestions arose which ASI can take forward to improve its activities.  

In 2022, feedback mainly focused on the need to improve elementAL, ASI’s online assurance platform, highlighting the importance of ASI’s 2023 strategy and investment in its digital ecosystem generally.  

In 2023, feedback related to increasing opportunities for sharing best practice experience, organizing regional face to face meetings and developing training materials to tackle known complex issues within the Standards.  

ASI reflections

The Governance Survey provides an opportunity to assess the effectiveness of governance structures and processes within ASI, identifying strengths and areas for improvement. This can lead to enhanced transparency, accountability, and decision-making. Additionally, the Governance Survey helps ASI identify potential risks and compliance issues, enabling proactive measures to mitigate them. Moreover, the data collected from the survey can inform strategic planning and governance reform efforts, ultimately contributing to the long-term sustainability and success of ASI.


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