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2020-2022 ASI Standards Revision process

ASI Standards Revision

During 2020-2022, ASI is conducting a Standards Revision to review all of the 6 ASI Documents – Performance Standard and Guidance, Chain of Custody Standard and Guidance, Assurance Manual and Claims Guide. The revision will include multiple rounds of consultation, with opportunities for all members and stakeholders to have input.

The revision will provide the opportunity to clarify and improve ASI’s certification program based on:

  • implementation experience and identified improvement areas,
  • stakeholder feedback and evolving expectations, and
  • good practice approaches in certification programs and data governance.

The revised ASI Documents are anticipated to be finalised by May 2022.

Where are we now?

Second and final public consultation concludes

The second and final public consultation ended on 6th February 2022 after a period of 30 days. Over 500 items have been logged for discussion by the Standards Committee.

With only twelve weeks between the end of the consultation period and date of adoption of the final documents, comments on Criteria will be prioritised for consideration by the ASI Standards Committee over non-normative text (i.e., the Guidance documents, Assurance Manual, Claims Guide and Glossary).

The extensive, broad stakeholder input is an important step forward toward keeping the ESG criteria in the ASI Standards relevant, fit for purpose and future-ready. We thank all our stakeholders that have taken the time to review the proposed changes, and made an effort to send their feedback on the draft revised Standards and supporting documents.

Consultation feedback statistics and analysis

The graphics below present an analysis of the stakeholder participation and feedback received during consultation period.

What’s next?

Adoption of the revised Standards is expected by May 2022, followed by a 12-month period during which Entities can choose to audit against the existing (2017) or revised (2022) standards.

From May 2022 the Standards Committee will explore further refinement of Guidance material (with a more regular, defined schedule of updates) and to tackle multi-year criteria development, aligned with ASI’s new Strategy and 2030 Sustainability Priorities: climate change, circularity, nature-positive action and human rights. Evaluation of ASI’s certification and “Beyond Certification” programmes will also be addressed – under the Initiative’s new Data and Research work stream.

What has happened up to now

Second and final consultation

January 7 –  February 6, 2022: A 30-day public consultation period was held to gather feedback on the second iteration of the revised ASI Standards and supporting documents. The content below is now available for reference only.

Consultation overview webinar

During the consultation period, two webinars were held that offered an overview to the revised documents and the further details on the Revision and consultation processes.

The video combines the presentation and Q&A sessions from both sessions. Watch it now on our Youtube channel.

The consultation documents

The consultation documents below indicate the changes that were incorporated from feedback obtained in the first consultation. They are now provided here for reference only.

An updated overview document for this second and final consultation period provides some insights into the consultation period details, the process and some of the key changes to look for in the various documents.

Deliberations and redrafting following the first public consultation

May – December 2021: The Standards Committee and the Working Groups discussed and deliberated on the nearly 600 inputs received during the first 60-day consultation. The elements for the second and final consultation underwent legal review and were prepared in English, French and Chinese.

First public consultation: March 1 – April 30, 2021

The first 60-day public consultation resulted in over 600 logged inputs. Our thanks go out all stakeholders that took time to review the documents and send in feedback. This was a confirmation that our public consultation efforts were worthwhile and yielded a significant amount of interest and input toward improvements to the ASI Standards and core documents.

The first consultation period documents and supporting information are no longer applicable, but are provided below for reference.

 IPAF Standards Revision Consultation Report

This report covers consultation with various bauxite mining communities, including countries with a long history of bauxite mining (Guinea and Australia); others where mines have recently closed or are in care and maintenance, and communities that are struggling with post-closure challenges (Suriname and India); and countries which are at the early stages of embarking on major bauxite mining projects (Ghana). It is only through the inclusion of Indigenous People’s concerns that mining companies can contribute to the sustainable development goals and responsible mining initiatives. [French version coming soon.]

IPAF members also discuss their efforts in a recorded webinar, highlighting their important contributions to, and engagement in, ASI standards development.

Overview webinars

Revision documents: 1st Consultation (early 2021)

As part of the kick-off activities for the public consultation period, two overview webinars were held. The recorded webinars are recommended for stakeholders that are interested to hear focused, high-level information on the most important changes being proposed in the ASI Standards and the accompanying documents.

You can watch the recorded Revision overview webinar (42 minutes) below, as well as a short overview video that captures the highlights (6 minutes).

Recorded revision overview webinar

Short process highlights

February 2021: The draft revision documents were approved by the Standards Committee and passed the antitrust legal review* and were deemed ready to be released for consultation on March 1. Translations of the draft revision documents into French and Chinese was undertaken to facilitate stakeholder feedback in these languages. ASI developed its communications to explain the major changes being proposed.

October 2020: The working groups and Standards Committee are working through the log of comments and making revisions to present to stakeholders for comment in the first consultation period of 2021.

* ASI gratefully acknowledges the contribution of Benoit Keane of Keane Legal in carrying out a pro bono competition law review of the proposed revisions.

September 2020: The Standards Committee has discussed the input received on the Terms of Reference (ToR) document during the open consultation and ASI has now published the final ToR version that will guide the revision process henceforth. The log of feedback received is also available for viewing.

Background information on the Revision

Two webinars were held to discuss the Terms of Reference and the overall Standards revision process. These were recorded and compiled into one webinar, which is available for viewing.

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