ASI welcomes ALBRAS as new Production & Transformation member
About Albras
Albras is the largest producer of primary aluminum in Brazil and since 1985 it has been supplying domestic and foreign markets with high-purity ingots. Hydro is the company’s main shareholder, with 51% of the shares in this joint venture. The other shareholder is NAAC – Nippon Amazon Aluminum Co. Ltd., formed by a consortium of Japanese companies, trading companies, consumers and manufacturers of aluminum products.
In addition to liquid metal and P1020 aluminum alloy ingots, Albras recently started producing PFA (Primary Foundry Alloy or Primary Aluminum Alloy), P0610, P1015 and Bus bars. The P0610 and P1015 are products that have greater purity, ideal for serving customers looking for innovative solutions.
ASI (Aluminum Stewardship Initiative) certification is a big step towards strengthening Albras’ position in the world market. Albras’ aluminium is produced responsibly in all its stages, with respect to people and the environment. By joining ASI, we reinforce our commitment to quality, innovation and responsibility in the production cycle of our product, always seeking best practices and complying with the strictest control and safety standards.
– João Batista Filaho de Menezes, President
It is extremely important for Albras to be part of the association that manages the only responsible supply program that addresses the best practices throughout our operation. Having our operations positively evaluated by ASI shows us that we are on the right track in balancing quality and respect for people and the environment in our aluminium production.
– Hajime Tonoki, Vice President
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