ASI welcomes Alliance for Water Stewardship SCIO as new Civil Society member
ASI is pleased to announce that Alliance for Water Stewardship SCIO has joined as a new Civil Society member.
16 January 2024
About Alliance for Water Stewardship SCIO
AWS is a global membership collaboration comprising businesses, NGOs and the public sector. Our members contribute to the sustainability of local water-resources through their adoption and promotion of a universal framework for the sustainable use of water – the International Water Stewardship Standard, or AWS Standard – that drives, recognises and rewards good water stewardship performance. Our vision is a water-secure world that enables people, cultures, business and nature to prosper, now and in the future. To achieve this, our mission is to: Ignite and nurture global and local leadership in credible water stewardship that recognises and secures the social, cultural, environmental and economic value of freshwater.
We have joined ASI because we are interested in deepening our exchange through strategic and technical collaboration on these issues between our respective organisations.
– Adrian Sym, CEO, AWS
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