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ASI welcomes Alu-met GmbH (Austria) as new Production & Transformation Member

ASI is pleased to announce that Alu-met GmbH has joined as a Production & Transformation member, bringing the total number of ASI Members to 119.

About Alu-met

Alu-met is a producer and supplier of high-quality aluminium billets.

The company has two production sites: Aluminium GmbH Nachrodt (Germany) and Speedline Aluminium Gießerei GmbH (Austria). At both locations we produce in total more than 150,000 tons of extrusion billets annually for the central European market. To work under safe and environmentally friendly conditions is the prerequisite of our business. Our employees ensure that all deliveries are made reliably and on time.

The satisfaction of our customers, partners and staff members is our top priority.

Alu-met belongs to the European aluminium industry. Therefore we have the responsibility to pave the way for ecological sustainability.

The management of Alu-met is committed to ensuring the health and respectful treatment of their employees and securing long-term employment.

In order to achieve these goals, the management is committed to the Aluminium Stewardship Initiative.

– Dr. Frank Müller – General Manager

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