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ASI welcomes Aluphoenix Srl as new Production & Transformation member

ASI is pleased to announce that Aluphoenix Srl has joined as a new Production & Transformation member, bringing the total number of ASI Members to 167.

About Aluphoenix Srl

The ASI perfectly fits with the company vision of the business within the aluminium industry.

Aluphoenix’s vision is to yield added value to internal as well external stakeholders. For our internal stakeholders, creating a working environment able to stimulate and develop personal skills of the employee, while ensuring their safety For external stakeholders, reducing as much as possible the impact of the company activity on the environment (Certification to ISO 14001:2015); regarding the local community and its involvement in company activities, as well as in supporting local events; and socially, continuously supporting organizations that are active in the field of disabilities, human trafficking and child pornography, gender violence and crimes.

”Aluphoenix Srl is deeply aware of the social responsibility of its entrepreneurial activity, and is committed to contributing to the creation of an increasingly sustainable society worldwide.”

– Lino Parise, CEO and Chairman

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