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16 May 2023

ASI is pleased to announce that AS METAL COM SRL has joined as a new Production and Transformation member.


The activity of our company takes place on an industrial site of about 34000sqm. AS METAL COM is a supplier of secondary raw materials for the automotive, steel, telecommunications and household appliances industries, serving the national and regional markets. AS METAL COM is actively concerned with the changes in the industry for the effective implementation of sustainability and circular economy concepts. The objectives of the last few years have been focused on innovation and research, so that AS METAL COM can implement ESG standards in its own technological flow as soon as possible, as well as a good positioning in the new paradigm of the circular economy.

We believe that the Aluminium Stewardship Initiative can successfully promote this new industrial paradigm, in which the aluminium industry plays an important role. We want to join this prestigious initiative, which will certainly contribute to a much faster path of reforms needed to implement sustainability and circular economy standards.

– Constantin Apostol, CEO

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