ASI welcomes Eurofoil as Production & Transformation member
ASI is pleased to welcome Eurofoil as a new Production & Transformation member. Eurofoil is ASI’s 51st member, and the 16th in the Production & Transformation class. Eurofoil is a company of the American Industrial Acquisition Corporation (AIAC), a private equity group specialising in the metal industry. Eurofoil specialises in the production and marketing of aluminium […]
6 August 2017
ASI is pleased to welcome Eurofoil as a new Production & Transformation member. Eurofoil is ASI’s 51st member, and the 16th in the Production & Transformation class.
Eurofoil is a company of the American Industrial Acquisition Corporation (AIAC), a private equity group specialising in the metal industry. Eurofoil specialises in the production and marketing of aluminium foil and packaging products, with over six decades of experience in the aluminium and packaging industries.
Eurofoil is committed to the environmental, economic and social responsibilities of doing business more sustainably to contribute to a better world, now and in the future. To reconcile economic growth with safeguarding quality of life is a key concern for every company with a long-term perspective. Eurofoil, is committed to a sustainable approach and provides its customers with clear answers concerning respect for the environment and the health of end users.
Eurofoil has an environmental management system based on standard ISO14001. At plant level, we have equipment that preserves air and groundwater quality and recycles all manufacturing scraps.
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