D&R Insights: Distribution of ASI Non-Conformances by region
An analysis of ASI Non-Conformance data recorded during ASI Performance Standard (V2, 2017) audits, undertaken between January 2018 (program launch) and June 2022, revealed that there are indeed regional differences in Principles with the most Non-Conformances.
30 January 2023

The analysis of ASI Non-Conformance data recorded during ASI Performance Standard (V2, 2017) audits, undertaken between January 2018 (program launch) and June 2022, revealed that there are indeed regional differences in Principles with the most Non-Conformances.
The highest number of Non-Conformances by Principle for each region were identified as follows:
- Europe: Principle 5 – Greenhouse Gas Emissions
- North America, Australia/Oceania/Asia (excl. China): Principle 6 – Emissions, Effluents and Waste
- Middle East: Principle 2 – Policy and Management
- Central & South America: Principle 2 – Policy and Management and Principle 8 – Biodiversity
- Africa: Principle 4 – Material Stewardship.
- China: Principle 10 – Labour Rights.
The variation in Non-Conformance issues by Principle in each region results from factors including different levels of Entities’ risks and systems, applicable legislation and regulations, and the key ESG issues particular for this region.
According to the ASI Non-Conformance data, Principle 6 Emissions – Effluents & Waste had the highest number of NCs across all ASI PS Certified Entities.
Breakdown of NCs by Principle in each region

To identify the Principle with the highest number of NCs recorded in each region, the list of countries under the Entities’ Certification Scope was taken into account which can result in attribution of the same NC to multiple regions. Data period from January 2018 (program launch) to June 2022.
This analysis highlights that there are indeed regional differences in Performance Standard implementation.
ASI will be using this analysis to:
- Inform ASI Accredited Auditors about materiality of Performance Standard topics.
- Develop learning plans targeted at specific audiences and issues for ASI Members, Auditors, and other ASI Stakeholders on educational platform.
- Contribute to updates of the ASI Performance Standard Guidance.
As part of our educationAL program in 2023, ASI plans to publish new courses on Responsible Sourcing, Life Cycle Assessments, and Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. Updates to the existing course on Greenhouse Gases Emissions will also be rolled out.
These ongoing efforts aim to continue to improve ASI Performance Standard implementation and audit effectiveness.