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26 September 2024

In September 2024, the ASI Board convened in Amsterdam for a three-day session to review progress and future strategies. ASI’s multi-stakeholder Board includes representation from upstream and downstream in the aluminium value chain, civil society and independent Directors with a 50-50 industry to non-industry split.   

Engagement was a key theme for this year’s meeting, and sessions included a business and finance sector roundtable, a meeting with Indigenous Peoples Advisory Forum (IPAF) members and a joint lunch with the Standards Committee.

Discussions commenced with a review of the evolving landscape for voluntary standards systems like ASI, including the growing range of regulatory and customer expectations.  This set the context for reflection on ASI’s current and future value propositions across its diverse, global and multi-stakeholder membership.

Decarbonisation is a key challenge for the aluminium sector.  The Board agreed that the Standards Committee should consider and provide recommendations for managing anticipated non-conformances against 1.5C aligned pathways.  There was also agreement to explore options for new product-level carbon-related claims, as part of the lead up to the 2027 Standards Revision.  The business roundtable further discussed decarbonisation efforts and expectations, as well as ASI’s role in supply chain due diligence.

The Indigenous Peoples Advisory Forum (IPAF) representatives participating in the Standards Committee meetings held a valuable engagement session with the Board.  It was an opportunity to share experiences from their communities, plans and activities, and discuss further collaboration through ASI and other projects.

All these discussions fed into a focused consideration of ASI’s draft 2025-2027 Strategy, with the final draft and 2025 budget to be shared with the Board for review and approval planned in November.  ASI is committed to transparency and summaries of all ASI Board meeting minutes are published on the Board page.

This year we also prepared a two-minute video summarising the meeting and Board Chair, Sasha Courville’s reflections on insights and outcomes:


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