In the March edition of the ASI Newsletter:
March ASI Newsletter highlights

ASI actions in light of the COVID-19 pandemic
With the world’s focus rightly on the current COVID-19 pandemic, we wanted to summarise our actions and plans to date and in the coming months. We hope you, your colleagues, your families and communities are all staying safe.
ASI publishes second ‘Story of Change’
ASI Story of Change #2 features work in the area of forest management and biodiversity protection undertaken by Austria Metall AG (AMAG) in the Lachforst forest that borders on their facility in Ranshofen, Austria.
ASI and London Metal Exchange (LME) collaboration
The London Metal Exchange (LME) and the Aluminium Stewardship Initiative (ASI) have developed a Memorandum of Understanding to underpin collaboration on responsible aluminium value chains.
ASI Certifications update
In March, we announced 6 new certifications, with more in the announcement pipeline for April.
ASI Membership news
In March, ASI welcomed two Production & Transformation members, one General Supporter member and one Industrial User member, bringing the total number of ASI members to 118.
9th IBAAS International Conference & Exhibition: November 4-6 2020