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Q&A: Interview with ASI’s ED by The Aluminum Association

The Aluminum Association President and CEO Heidi Brock interviews Aluminium Stewardship Initiative Executive Director Dr. Fiona Solomon.

Dr. Solomon responds to the following questions:
– Tell us more about the Aluminium Stewardship Initiative and some of the current goals
– Why is global certification so important? (1:04)
– What is the business case for the ASI Standard? (2:00)
– What is the most important thing ASI hopes to accomplish this year? (3:05)
– What advice do you have for us in North America regarding participation in the process? (3:45)

Dr. Fiona Solomon responds to questions posed by the Aluminum Association President and CEO, Heidi Brock.
Dr. Fiona Solomon responds to questions posed by the Aluminum Association President and CEO, Heidi Brock.

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