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Russian Aluminium Association is ASI’s newest Associations member

ASI is pleased to announce that the Russian Aluminium Association has joined as Associations member, bringing the total number of members to 58.

The Russian Aluminium Association unites over 80 companies engaged in various sectors of the aluminium industry: producers of primary aluminium and its alloys, manufactures of rolled, extruded and cast aluminium products, downstream users of aluminium, recyclers, R&D, engineering and service centers.

The activity of the Association is focused on expanding the use of aluminium in various areas, providing communication platform and wide range of services to members, promoting the use of best practices in production, environmental protection, industrial safety, education and training.

The Association represents the aluminium industry interests in communication with the society and government, in cooperation with other sectors, international organisations and business communities, ensuring sustainable development of efficient, innovative and competitive aluminium industry.

Irina Kazovskaya, Co-Chair of the Russian Aluminium Association said, “We believe that it is very important to promote transparency and responsible business practices among producers and downstream users of aluminium products.  To achieve better results it is necessary to expand the number of companies supporting the Aluminium Stewardship Initiative. The Russian Aluminium Association will definitely promote among its members the ASI standards for sustainable performance along the whole aluminium value chain.”

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