ASI 2017 Progress Report published
The 2017 Progress Report highlights ASI’s activities to date across its four strategic objectives: Effective Governance, Credible Program, Growing Membership and Financial Resilience.
Some key highlights from the report:
A public consultation process was held for the draft Chain of Custody Standard that attracted more than 100 participants in live webinars and workshops. In 2017, ASI will consult further with stakeholders and test and finalise its standards and assurance model with participating members. The first ASI certifications are expected in 2018.
In 2016, ASI adopted its Constitution at its inaugural Annual General Meeting and a Governance Handbook which provides participants and stakeholders with a user-friendly guide to ASI’s approach. These have set the framework for the establishment of ASI’s governance as a non-profit, multi-stakeholder organisation with values of engagement, participation and consensus building.
In 2016, ASI almost doubled its membership overall, gaining new members in every membership class. As of February 2017, 46 members’ support and engagement provide the foundation and impulse for ASI’s mission-driven program.
More progress highlights from the ASI 2017 Progress Report