Revised ASI Standards launched
Effective today, the revised ASI Performance and Chain of Custody Standards are now available for Certification. The 2022 versions are the outcome of ASI’s first major revision since the launch of its Standards and Certification program in 2017.
19 May 2022
2022 ASI Standards published
Effective today, the revised ASI Performance and Chain of Custody Standards are now available for Certification. The 2022 versions are the outcome of ASI’s first major revision since the launch of its Standards and Certification program in 2017.
Multiple rounds of review and public consultation, overseen by ASI’s multi-stakeholder Standards Committee, have resulted in more than 1000 improvement items being actioned, building on implementation experience, stakeholder feedback and evolving expectations. Initial work for the revision process kicked off in mid-2019, and has received valuable input along the way from the Indigenous Peoples Advisory Forum (IPAF), and Working Groups on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, Chain of Custody, GHG, Human Rights, Recycling and Material Stewardship, and Standards Benchmarking and Harmonisation.
“Today is an exciting milestone for ASI. Revision processes are intensive, but enable us to evolve alongside changes in knowledge, stakeholder expectations and priority issues. We extend our sincere thanks to all who have contributed to this critical effort, and for the hard work and diligence from across the ASI team. Today’s launch is just the start, and we anticipate positive engagement with the rollout of the updated ASI Certification program over the next 12 months” says Dr Fiona Solomon, ASI Chief Executive Officer.
The Revised versions published today are:
- ASI Performance Standard V3 (2022)
- ASI Performance Standard Guidance V2 (2022)
- ASI Chain of Custody Standard V2 (2022)
- ASI Chain of Custody Standard Guidance V2 (2022)
- ASI Assurance Manual V2 (2022)
- ASI Claims Guide V2 (2022)
- ASI Glossary V1 (2022)
English and Chinese versions are available initially, with other language translations commissioned and coming soon.
Watch: ‘Introducing the 2022 ASI Standards’ video series
Find out about the key changes that have been adopted in the new Standards and their supporting documents in this series of short videos.
Overview and applicability of the new Standards
What’s New? Principle 5: Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Do you have a question about the 2022 Standards?
Our 2022 Standards FAQ page might have the answer!
Transition process
More than 200 ASI Certifications have been issued so far against the 2017 Standards. This existing portfolio will steadily transition to the new versions in accordance with re-certification cycles. ASI also anticipates expansion in uptake of the new Standards as membership continues to grow.
During a 12-month transition period, Entities can choose to audit against the 2017 Standards or 2022 Standards. After 12 months (i.e., starting from 1 June 2023), only the 2022 Standards will be eligible to be used for ASI Certifications and re-certifications, and the 2017 versions will be retired. Existing certifications against the 2017 Standards can continue for their full certification cycle. Members can also choose to have an early re-certification audit conducted against the 2022 standards if they wish.

In the 12-month period following the launch, there will be a transition period for the two ASI Standards. However, the new Assurance Manual and Claims Guide are effective from today.
Unlike the Standards, there will be no transition period for the Assurance Manual. However, any audit planning and preparation activities undertaken before the launch of the 2022 Standards (i.e., before 19 May 2022) in accordance with the 2017 Assurance Manual will be acceptable.
New educationAL learning platform now available

In conjunction with the launch of the revised ASI Standards, our learning platform -- educationAL -- has undergone significant updates and upgrades.
In the new platform, hosted on Tovuti, you’ll find:
- Free and self-paced navigation through 21 online courses and 16 recorded webinars
- A tailor-made learning dashboard to easily see which course(s) are recommended and/or assigned to specific stakeholders
- New and updated versions of training modules to align with the revised Standards and to improve engagement with content (e.g. Introduction to the ASI Performance Standard, Introduction to the Chain of Custody (CoC) Standard, CoC Deep Dive, Human Rights Due Diligence, Human Rights Impact Assessment, Path to ASI Certification, more…)
- New modules, such as on Greenhouse Gas emissions in the aluminium value chain
- Access to courses and materials developed by partners and similar initiatives
elementAL assurance platform updates

The ASI team have also been implementing updates to elementAL, our online assurance platform, to support the rollout of the revised ASI Standards and Assurance Manual by members and auditors.
Key elements in the elementAL transition include:
- incorporating the updated Standards and Guidance into elementAL, including applicability by supply chain activity
- incorporating new aspects from the updated assurance manual, including a general description of the Entity to be included in the Public Summary Report. This will provide stakeholders with a better understanding of the nature of the operations and activities.
- embedding updated Certificate designs in elementAL and the Public Dashboard, with a view to supporting direct data access over stand-alone PDF exports
- enabling and explaining the one year transition period between the current and revised versions of the Standards
- updating the FAQ section to align with the revisions.
Announcements and information will continue to be posted in the elementAL platform and the FAQ section. Users should share all questions through the elementAL Help Desk.