apt Holding GmbH
Production and Transformation
December 2021
About apt Holding GmbH
The apt Group is one of the leading company groups in the European aluminium industry. With our apt Extrusions and apt Products divisions, we develop and produce technologically sophisticated extruded profiles and mechanically processed products from aluminium, which we deliver to notable customers from the construction, transport, automotive and industry sectors. In doing so, we cover the complete value-added chain with our production processes, from raw material to end product. With in-house remelting capacity, six extrusion lines, state of the art fabrication, three anodising systems and a powder coating system, apt covers a wide spectrum of competences. – Completely true to our credo: ‘Essential parts. Essential partners’!
Sustainability has a long tradition within the apt Group and will continue contributing to it. We have decided to join the Aluminium Stewardship Initiative to underline our commitment to sustainable development and future-oriented corporate management. In recent years, we have observed that our customers’ interest in the activities we carry out in this field has also increased. At the same time, ASI has developed into a meaningful organisation whose certifications are recognised worldwide due to their scope, independence and transparency.
- Michael Zint, CEO
- Certificate Number: 283 Rev. 1
- Certification Period: 28.03.2024 - 27.03.2027
- Audit Report
- Aluminium Re-melting/Refining
- Casthouses
- Semi-Fabrication
Additional Information
Activities in the aluminium value chain*
- Aluminium re-melting, refining or recycling
- Semi-fabrication (rolling, extrusion, casting)
- Automotive - Product or component manufacturing (material conversion)
- Construction - Product or component manufacturing (material conversion)
* may contain both ASI-certified and non ASI-certified
Countries of operation
- Czech Republic
- Germany
- Netherlands
Other Production and Transformation Members