D&R Insights: ASI Certification Growth Trends
As we close the chapter on the 2017 Standards (PSV2 and CoCV1), we look back on the growth of ASI Certification in the aluminium value chain since our first certification in March 2018.
24 February 2023
In May 2022, following a multi-year consultation process, ASI released revised versions of the Performance Standard (PSV3) and Chain of Custody Standard (CoCV2). Certifications have already been issued against both of these latest versions of the Standards, and uptake will increase as the one-year transition period – the time during which certifying Entities have the option to be audited against either version of the Standards – comes to an end on May 31, 2022. From 1 June 2023, all initial ASI certification and re-certification audits must be conducted against the latest versions of the Standards.
As we close the chapter on the 2017 Standards (PSV2 and CoCV1), we look back on the growth of ASI Certification in the aluminium value chain since our first certification in March 2018.
ASI Certifications by Standard
As of end-December 2022, ASI had issued a total of 232 Certifications – 165 Performance Standard V2 Certifications and 67 Chain of Custody V1 Certifications. Compared to the previous year, there was a 44% increase in Performance Standard Certifications and 49% in Chain of Custody Certifications.

Cumulative number of ASI Performance Standard V2 and ASI Chain of Custody V1 Certifications and growth per annum.
ASI Certifications – Performance Standard V2 – by supply chain activity
ASI Certified Entities are diverse and represent the entire aluminium value chain. Casthouses have the highest incidence of Certifications so far, which aligns with their central role in connecting upstream production with downstream applications. The Casthouse is where liquid primary or recycled metal is cast into standardised forms (e.g., billets, slabs, ingots) and/or alloys, making it the starting point for further semi-fabrication of aluminium and subsequent downstream manufacturing. Nearly 54% of Member Certifications include one or more Casthouses in their PS Certification Scope.
The incidences of certifications for Material Conversion and Semi-fabrication activities (e.g., rolling, extruding) rank second and third, respectively.

The Figure presents number of ASI Performance Standard V2 Certifications under each supply chain activity. Each Certification can be counted more than once based on supply chain activities defined under Entity’s PS Certification Scope. By end-December 2022, ASI had issued 165 PS Certifications. The supply chain activities are named as defined in the ASI Performance Standard.
ASI Certifications – Chain of Custody Standard V1 – by supply chain activity
ASI Certifications against the Chain of Custody Standard have been achieved at each stage of the aluminium value chain. By end-December 2022, ‘Post-Casthouse’ supply chain activities had the highest incidence. This is to be expected as the aluminium value chain’s downstream sectors consist of thousands of companies in diverse industries that use aluminium in their products to various extents. Uptake of CoC Certifications downstream can also suggest that there is a growing commitment by consumer-facing brands to implement responsible production and sourcing, and make material or product-related sustainability claims.

The Figure presents number of ASI Chain of Custody Standard V1 Certifications under each supply chain activity. Each Certification can be counted more than once based on supply chain activities defined under Entity’s CoC Certification Scope. By end-December 2022, ASI had issued 67 CoC Certifications. The supply chain activities are named as defined in the ASI CoC Standard.
ASI continues to work with its stakeholders to develop Standards that keep pace with the constantly changing global ESG landscape, focusing on key sustainability priorities. The 2022 Standards, with their updated criteria, enable companies along the aluminium value chain to demonstrate their commitment to the responsible sourcing, production and stewardship of aluminium.
The achievement of 233 certifications against the 2017 ASI Standards over five years (2018-2022) shows a strong uptake of ASI’s voluntary sustainability standards in the aluminium sector. Future analyses will reveal whether the 2022 Standards continue in this trend.
For more summary insights on ASI progress in numbers in 2022, go to 2022 – a year in review.