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10 May 2024

TAHA International B.V. has achieved ASI Performance Standard V3 (2022) Certification for the recycling of aluminium dross at its Taha International Metal Recovery Facility Askar South, Bahrain. This facility, also known as the TAHA Midal Cables Site, is located within the premises of the Midal Cables Company casthouse facility in Askar, Bahrain.

Aluminium Stewardship Initiative (ASI) today announced that TAHA International B.V. has been certified against the ASI Performance Standard V3 (2022). The facility processes aluminium dross using a two-stage recovery process that aims to maximise the recovery of metal for primary producers and downstream smelters.

The ASI Certification program was developed through an extensive multi-stakeholder consultation process and is the only comprehensive voluntary sustainability standard initiative for the aluminium value chain. The ASI Performance Standard V3 (2022) defines 11 principles and 62 criteria under three sustainability pillars – Environment, Social, and Governance – with the aim to address pressing sustainability issues in the aluminium value chain.

The independent, third-party audit of the TAHA International B.V. facility was carried out by CETIZION Verifica. A full listing of audit findings outlining evidence of conformances and minor non-conformances is available from page 5 of the summary audit report, linked below. Eight minor non-conformances are noted under Criteria 2.4a-e Responsible Sourcing, 3.4a-f Stakeholder Complaints, Grievances and Requests for Information, 5.1a-b Disclosure of GHG Emissions and Energy Use, 5.3a-e GHG Emissions Reduction Plans, 5.4 GHG Emissions Management, 9.1a-d Human Rights Due Diligence, 10.3a-c Forced Labour and 11.1b-e Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) Management System – Reviews and disclosure. During the Certification Period, TAHA International B.V. will be implementing a corrective action plan, which will be verified in follow-up audits.


iseal code compliant