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24 February 2025

In the twelve months since its publication, the ASI Method and Calculation Tool have been increasingly used by aluminium producers and users to describe their GHG Reduction Pathways. Indeed Entities undergoing ASI Audit are required to use these resources to articulate 1.5 degree aligned emissions targets to achieve conformance with Performance Standard v3 criterion 5.3.

We have learned a lot in this period, from implementing Entities and Auditors, about both the functionality and the usability of the (Microsoft Excel) based Calculation Tool. Taking into account these insights and as an opportunity to improve it, ASI has released an updated tool (approved by the ASI Standards Committee at its February 2025 meeting).

The new version (Version 2.0) replaces the current version on the ASI website, with the legacy version allowed to be phased out organically; Entities will be allowed to use either version at Audit.

This is because the underlying ASI Method remains unchanged, with the new version only including minor clarifying changes, bug fixes and some new features (such as integrated slope charts and the ability for multiple assets’ data to be entered by the user).

A full list of the changes are included in the “User Guide” worksheet at the front of the Tool.

For more information on the (unchanged) ASI Method, the Calculation Tool and other GHG-related resources within ASI, see the ASI website or contact Chris Bayliss, Climate Change & Decarbonisation Director


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