ASI welcomes CIR Technologies as new General Supporter member
About CIR Technologies
Environment concerns or efficiency concerns? Why compromise? CIR Technologies offers patented solutions improving aluminium smelters performance such as the world first functioning anode coating reducing air reactivity: OXYCIR.
CIR also propose RefraSeal. It creates an effective membrane refraining cryolitic bath to penetrate the refractories and insulation layers. Let’s imagine the numerous possibilities these solutions can bring. They open a new world of possibilities in cell designs and operations, let’s explore them and come change the world with us!
“We’re pleased to become a General Supporter ASI Member as our organisations share the common goal of improving the environmental performance of aluminium smelters.
CIR Technologies’ solutions — RefraSeal and OxyCIR — are the most significant breakthrough to improve efficiency and environmental performance in the Hall-Heroult process since the introduction of baked anode.
In this way, we believe that the innovations from technology companies like ours can make a significant contribution to progress sustainability in the aluminium supply chain.”
– Claude Allaire, P.Eng, Ph.D., President of CIR Technologies
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