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Draft Chain of Custody Standard – update

Our thanks go to all stakeholders who provided input during the recent public comment period on the draft ASI Chain of Custody (CoC) Standard and Guidance. Your perspectives will help shape the final versions.

The ASI Standards Committee will be reviewing the comments received, as well as the proposed amendments to the draft Standard and Guidance in the coming months. Before the CoC Standard is finalised, it will be made available for a final public comment period in approximately April-May 2017.

In the 2016 comment period, comments were received from 25 respondents and have raised various points of valuable feedback. A summary of comments will be made available on the CoC page on the ASI website in February, and will be subsequently updated with notes on how the comments have been addressed in the next stage of drafting.

Please contact the ASI Secretariat with any questions or comments.

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