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Land requirements for energy production for aluminium smelters certified under the ASI Performance Standard

Latest info: 2023 // Project conducted: 2023

  • Analysis on land-climate-energy nexus focusing on land requirements for energy production for aluminium smelters certified under the ASI Performance Standard, (D&R Insight).

Learnings & recommendations

The insights from the analysis highlight the importance of a comprehensive strategies that consider full spectrum of impacts (climate, nature, ecosystem services, local communities) associated with energy transitions towards a decarbonised future.

At the time of the analysis results shown ASI cohort power consumption was dominated by renewables at 61%, with an estimated global land requirement of 124 m2/ t Aluminium. Regional differences in fuel sources used and land requirements were present. With hydropower having the biggest land requirement, nearly doubling over the last decade.

ASI reflections

The uncertainty in the data is very high, although compared to other materials the direct intensity of land use change for aluminium production is relatively low, indirect impacts from electricity systems, linear infrastructure etc are not insignificant.  Work on understanding land use change emissions inventories in 2024 as part of the GHG Pathways Method will draw on this analysis.



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