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Getting Certified

Recognition by ASI

External Standards and Schemes which share issues and objectives with the ASI Standards may be recognised by ASI, following a benchmarking assessment.

Can other Standards or Schemes be recognised by ASI?

ASI has an active benchmarking and recognition program for external Standards and Schemes which share issues and objectives with the ASI Standards.

In order for Standards or Schemes to be recognised by ASI, they must meet performance requirements (standard requirements and guidance) as well as operational system requirements that support standards’ uptake (assurance, governance and claims). The details of these requirements are explained in the ASI Standards Benchmarking and Recognition Procedure.


Standards and Certification Schemes currently recognised by ASI

The following Standards are currently recognised by ASI to be equivalent to certain criteria in the 2022 ASI Performance Standard: 

  • ISO 14001: 2015 – Environmental Management Systems
  • ISO 45001: 2018 – Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems
  • ISO 37001: 2016 – Anti-Bribery Management Systems
  • ISO 21930: 2017 – Sustainability in Buildings and Civil Engineering Work
  • ISO 14044: 2006 – Environmental Management: Lifecycle Assessment
  • EN 15804: Environmental Product Declaration


How do Recognitions work during the ASI Certification Process?

Self-Assessment: If an Entity holds a valid certification for one of ASI’s Recognised Standards and Schemes, they can choose this from the drop-down menu in elementAl.

Audit: Auditors must then determine equivalency based on alignment between the external Standard/Scheme and the ASI Certification Scope of the Entity.  Where there is equivalency, the Criteria in the ASI Standards can be assessed by an Auditor as conformant without additional review of objective evidence or implementation by the Auditor.

For more information, please refer to the ASI Assurance Manual.


What is the process for ASI to recognise another Standard or Scheme?

The ASI Secretariat and the Standards Benchmarking and Harmonisation Working Group (SBHWG) periodically identify and review new, or changes to existing Standards and Certification Schemes for potential recognition.  Any stakeholder, including ASI Members, Standards Committee and/or Working Group participants, Auditors, and Schemes, can also identify and propose Standards and Certification Schemes for potential benchmarking with the ASI Standards and Assurance program, and for ASI to be benchmarked by external Standards and Certification Schemes. Requests can be sent to:

The ASI Secretariat will review the proposed Standard or Scheme to determine if it is relevant and material to ASI, and agree with the SBHWG whether to carry out an ASI Benchmarking Assessment.

Once successfully completed, a formal recognition of a Standard or Scheme will be documented in the recognition table in the ASI Assurance Manual, this webpage and implemented through the associated recognition functionality in elementAl.


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