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19 March 2024

ASI is pleased to announce that ONG KANYA DONSE FANYI has joined as a new Civil Society member.


The NGO Kanya Donsé Fanyi (KDF) is a non-political organization, without any social distinction, working in the valorization of local agricultural products rich in micronutrients through agro-food processing to combat food insecurity, malnutrition, and poverty among women and youth in rural areas. Its objective is to promote women’s empowerment, combat maternal and child malnutrition in rural areas, reduce post-harvest losses, contribute to food security, create wealth for women and young entrepreneurs, and improve the living conditions of the rural population.

As an actor in local community development, KDF adheres to ASI through its coordinator, Mamadou Kindy Diallo, to signify its strong commitment to collective actions working for the development of communities impacted by bauxite mining and its derivatives. It could also help local populations better understand the stages of the mining cycle, particularly that of aluminum, in order to benefit from the resources of their homeland.

– Mamadou Kindy Diallo, Coordinator

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