Chimbo Foundation – Contributing to a better world
Annemarie Goedmakers, President of Chimbo Foundation, talks about how ASI Standards should enable the implementation of responsible practices.
5 May 2022
Pushing for responsible mining practices
We have been active on all the aspects of the ASI Standards, climate, human rights, biodiversity etc. because we want to contribute to a better world and such a standard helps, hopefully.
ASI certification will have meaning and relevance by making bauxite mining more responsible and less harmful for the environment and biodiversity. With the availability of the standards, we can advocate for governments in the regions where we work to select companies that will certify their mines.
We have invested a lot of time in ASI and although there has not been much progress to date in Africa, where the real problems for nature and biodiversity in relation to mining exist, we persist in working with ASI because it is necessary. By pushing mining companies to have certificates, and implement responsible practices, we can begin to improve the situation.

Awareness of ASI certification has increased, and communities know they can use it in their negotiations with the government to push for companies that will choose to adhere to ASI standards.
Empowering local communities
We have contributed to community empowerment by making local communities aware of their rights. This awareness enables them to push back where required, knowing that they do not have to give in to empty promises from the government or mining companies. Through our work and engagement, communities are aware that they can negotiate and seek help internationally. Awareness of ASI certification has increased, and communities know they can use it in their negotiations with the government to push for companies that will choose to adhere to ASI standards. The communities know we are there to help them in practical ways. For example, we once organised for a bus load of villagers who knew nothing about mining and the challenges it presents to visit a bauxite mine in Guinea to raise awareness and build their capacity to fully understand the issues, beyond government promises.
Within the ASI Standards Committee, we have maintained a focus on quality and integrity of ASI auditing – the ASI Standards must be implemented properly and consistently across the world.
Conserving nature and increasing protected areas
A third of the area where we work in Guinea Bissau is now a National Park. There is also a RAMSAR Wetland in the area and more recently we have succeeded in getting 178 sacred sites added to the world database of protected areas. All these protected areas will benefit from the new ASI Standards for biodiversity and ecosystem services. We were active in ASI to get protected areas included in the standards and also active in Guinea Bissau to increase the number of protected sites. These protected sacred sites are essential for drinking water, climate, conservation of wildlife, and trees with their no- timber forest products which the population will always need if there is a period of scarcity.
Within the ASI Standards Committee, we have maintained a focus on quality and integrity of ASI auditing – the ASI Standards must be implemented properly and consistently across the world.
– Annemarie Goedmakers, President of Chimbo Foundation
Focusing on Africa
Companies working in Africa who are members of ASI should show how they integrate their activities in Africa in their overall policies. If we push for responsible companies, biodiversity, climate and human rights will profit.

The objectives of Chimbo are:
- the conservation and where necessary restoration of the chimpanzee population in West Africa and the natural environment in which they live;
- to undertake all sorts of actions that are supportive to the above goal.