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I’d like to source ASI Aluminium, ASI Alumina, or ASI Bauxite

I’d like to source ASI Aluminium, ASI Alumina or ASI Bauxite FAQs

ASI Certification

ASI Aluminium is metal that has been produced and sourced in accordance with ASI’s Standards through each step in its transformation along the value chain, whether from mined bauxite (ore) or from recycled aluminium scrap:

ASI Bauxite       →          ASI Alumina      →          ASI Aluminium

(Eligible) Scrap  →          ASI Aluminium

As Chain of Custody stretches right back to the mine site in an unbroken chain, you can also source ASI Alumina or ASI Bauxite, the precursor materials for ASI Aluminium production.  ASI Aluminium, ASI Alumina and ASI Bauxite are collectively known as CoC Material.

For a company to supply CoC Material, certification against both the ASI Performance and Chain of Custody Standards must be in place at every step in the value chain, including that of the supplying company.

Anyone can source CoC Material, but they can only then supply it to their customers as ASI/CoC Material if they also hold ASI Chain of Custody Certification.

ASI Chain of Custody applies from the point at which aluminium-containing ores are extracted from the Earth (bauxite mines) all the way forward (potentially) to the point at which aluminium-containing products enter use, including any “pre-consumer scrap” recycling loops.

Alternatively, it applies to post-use products in the form of “post-consumer scrap”, from the point at which such scrap is recycled (by aluminium re-melter/refiners), through to use.

In both cases, the transfer of CoC Material between each successive mineral processing, production, transformation and manufacturing step in the supply chain is supported by successive CoC Certifications until either the receiving entity for the CoC Material does not wish to take CoC claims further, or it reaches final product stage to enable any desired on-product claims.

Key points if you are considering seeking CoC Certification:

• You can certify against CoC as long as you have the Performance Standard (PS) Certification in place, or you can seek both PS and CoC Certification simultaneously with one audit engagement.

• Your suppliers don’t need to have CoC Certification for you to achieve CoC for yourself, as your own Certification is based on your systems.

• However, if you want to sell CoC material or pass on a claim for CoC material from yourself onwards then the suppliers before you in the chain must be PS and CoC certified.

• Due to the ASI mass balance model, you don’t have to have 100% of your supply CoC certified. You can source only a percentage of your total inputs as CoC certified, and pass on claims to your customers based on that percentage.

You cannot sell CoC material unless all the relevant entities in your supply chain for that mass of aluminium are themselves CoC certified. In short, you must buy CoC (or in the case of a bauxite mine or a re-melter/refiner for recyclable material, produce it yourself) in order to sell CoC.

• This means that you can achieve a CoC Certification on your own and then encourage/require the suppliers before you to achieve CoC to enable you to sell on CoC material or make sourcing claims.

ASI Standards incorporate a range of supply chain due diligence measures, including:

  • Anti-corruption
  • Responsible Sourcing in relation to environmental, social and governance issues
  • Human Rights Due Diligence
  • Conflict Affected and High Risk Areas (in accordance with the OECD Due Diligence Guidance on Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas, in Performance Standard V3.0, released May 2022)

Find out more about the ASI Performance Standard and Chain of Custody (CoC) Standard.

No. ASI does not connect suppliers/customers of CoC Material. It is up to the companies themselves to find what they need and develop contracts that meet their requirements. ASI Certified Members can be found through:

If your current supplier (or customer) is not yet ASI Certified, you may wish to introduce them to the ASI program.


To add ASI logos or claims to specific products, companies need to be CoC Certified. Where retailers, wholesalers, traders or other similar companies receive finished products with on-product claims in place, they do not need to be CoC Certified as no further change to the aluminium-related material is made during their custody. ASI welcomes such organisations to join as General Supporters and support ASI’s work on the aluminium value chain.

All product and sourcing claims for ASI Aluminium need to be made in accordance with the ASI Claims Guide, and ASI approval must be sought where required.


No. The ASI membership fee is a flat annual fee scaled to the type and size of your organisation, and there are no additional costs charged by ASI for Certificates, or for product labelling or CoC volumes.

This will depend on market supply and demand.  ASI plays no role in pricing, production decisions or market decisions of individual businesses.

ASI does not permit discussion of commercially sensitive matters at ASI meetings or events, including previous, current or future prices; capacity and production information or forecasts;  previous, current or future sales information;  purchasing prices or trading terms with suppliers;   previous, current or future negotiations with individual customers, including bidding strategies for public or private contracts.

For more information, see ASI’s Anti Trust Compliance Policy.


iseal code compliant